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By Ceb
#35228 Hi!
I need also to find a way to connect this Pi I have a linux on this side...alone in the world :(

Maybe program a tun/tap program on PI to send receive data (uart/spi) by ESP8266 connected as relay to a socket server on an other linux router AP (openwrt), with also support tun tap standard? I see only this way for the moment...not very flexible but ESP can be configured by SPI, UART to configure Server:port

I looked for by forwarding interface on ESP AP<-->STA - No way for the moment :(
With ethernet converter - No way for the moment with ESP, but OK for PI. :|
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By bjpirt
#35229 My understanding of where the ESP8266 came from is that it was originally designed to run in exactly this manner - i.e. as a slave driven over SPI from a host computer. I think it was then repurposed to run in a standalone mode.

It has been used in some tablets like this I believe but I'm not sure which ones.

If you want the speed that you would expect from a WiFi adaptor then this is the way to go I think, rather than interpreting commands in a program.

Does anyone else have any more info on this mode?
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By al1fch
#35230 dont't now differences between ESP8266 and previous ESP8089
here are some sources for linux sunxi ESP8089 driver (SPI slave). Starting point ?

ESP8266 in SPI Slave mode, some infos from Espressif here :
mainly those two documents ? : (ESP8266_SPI-WiFi_Passtrough 1 & 2)