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By a2retro
#35402 So I am working on a simple esp-01 (client) to huzzah (server) project. In the main loop on the server we are calling server.handleClient();

On the client side in the loop we do a http get. If the result indicates a true condition, we get a temperature reading and then do a post back to the server. Piece-o-cake right?

Well the server gets the initial http_get but does not see the post. If we comment out the get and only do the post then the server sees that and responds.

Kind of stumped on why we can not do both a get and then a post back to back.

Any suggestions?

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By Mmiscool
#35403 Can you post the code you are using. Would make it easier to debug.
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By a2retro
#35410 BTW: How does one get permission to post in the ESP8266 Arduino forum?

Edit NVM: I missed the sub forums under ESP8266 Arduino section.

Still looking for any ideas on the code provided.