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By Ceb
#35468 I think also RTL8188 USB Wifi is the good candidate to the pi zero board - it 's can ben found at 2$ on aliexpress :lol:

As i'm a fan of openwrt router (WT3020H = 15$), i will give a try to link my pi with usb-serial pl2303 (hosted on router) at highspeed (1mbit fullduplex for sure) over tun application.
In theory pl2303 support 3mbit serial link, some part from prolific claim 12mbit.
In this case, the openwrt router give 2 ethernet and wifi mimo.
I think it's a better situation than arduino yun, for hard computing, less expensive (25$)...
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By bubba198
#35729 If esp could do PPP then we simply recall our skills from early 90s and we know Linux supports native PPP just like the modem days of running servers at home over those old ISP days... But sadly the esp doesnt do PPP in the modem sense if the word....
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By Twister
#35825 Hi,

I've played with ESP8266 and PPP as I hoped I could route the PPP connection through the tunnel but that failed :(
but as a workaround I've used socat and slattach and surprisingly it did work!

It's not very stable yet but works and could be a base for someone to develop it further :)

If anyone is interested I put together some pieces and produced a quick quasi manual on how I did it. ... -internet/
