The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By scargill
#35982 Another thing that would be good - imagine we use your PAGE control - and we have a lot of pages... the initial updates would take a long time - it would be good when you send HELLO if you would send which PAGE the APP is on so we could then only update the controls for that page - which would then speed things up immensely for a complicated setup.

If you get sick of suggestions just say so :-)
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By 4refr0nt
scargill wrote:Another thing that would be good - imagine we use your PAGE control - and we have a lot of pages... the initial updates would take a long time - it would be good when you send HELLO if you would send which PAGE the APP is on so we could then only update the controls for that page - which would then speed things up immensely for a complicated setup.

If you get sick of suggestions just say so :-)

About new widgets: ok, all usefull, I'm working...
About pages. IoT Manager do not know about any pages, before device (or devices) send config data to broker. In one page may be data from several device, and one device can be send data to several pages. One sensor may be in several pages. Page - abstract thing used by humans only. HELLO command used for handshaking only, and, yes, several seconds needed only for handshaking process. Next, updating screen data in app, going "per sensor" and very fast.
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By scargill
#35984 Sorry I didn't mean page updates putting the controls in place... I meant updating the values - but I see that might be difficult. About to test other controls.

4refr0nt wrote:
scargill wrote:Another thing that would be good - imagine we use your PAGE control - and we have a lot of pages... the initial updates would take a long time - it would be good when you send HELLO if you would send which PAGE the APP is on so we could then only update the controls for that page - which would then speed things up immensely for a complicated setup.

If you get sick of suggestions just say so :-)

About new widgets: ok, all usefull, I'm working...
About pages. IoT Manager do not know about any pages, before device (or devices) send config data to broker. In one page may be data from several device, and one device can be send data to several pages. One sensor may be in several pages. Page - abstract thing used by humans only. HELLO command used for handshaking only, and, yes, several seconds needed only for handshaking process. Next, updating screen data in app, going "per sensor" and very fast.
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By scargill
#35987 I didn't realise the LED was attached to the button - tested that - working great.

But PLEASE can we have status leds on their own - i.e. not attached to a button - but just some text... these might monitor something happening independently - like the heat turning on in a thermostat - or other independent process.