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By ilemur
#36312 I have wired ESP12 as was stated on mysensors to my FTDI which is 3,3V (without pull up resistors - all direct connections)

Ran the ESP8266Flasher without any problems flashing NodeMCU

Than opened up ESPlorer and get
Communication with MCU...
.......... going on forever...

Did i miss some steps in between?
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By Timpanogos Slim
#36434 Are you powering the ESP with your usb dongle? That's not generally a great idea. The esp8266 can draw up to 300ma and most usb dongles aren't up to the job.

Have you tried adjusting the baud rate? I forget what the default is for nodemcu firmware - it's not the same as the AT firmware.

I don't use esplorer, but I've found Termite to be a very good interface for direct serial communication with devices:

Also, which flasher did you use? I didn't have good results with the nodemcu flasher (board unresponsive after flash), but the official flash tool works fine for me.