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By Divyaman
#36370 Hello,

I am trying to use my Arduino UNO R3 to program my ESP8266-12. Based on what I have read in various forums, this can be achieved by: -
1) Removing the Atmega328 micro-controller from the Arduino board.
2) Connecting the RES pin on the Arduino board to ground.

Additionally, I have also drawn-up circuit diagrams to bring the ESP8266-12 in 'UART download' mode. It will be great if somebody can provide me feedback on that. Please note that I am NOT planning to remove the Atmega micro-controller i.e., I am planning to go with option 2).

In 'Flash Boot' mode GPIO0 would be connected to 3.3 V. The Arduino UNO can be removed. The power-supply, of-course, would still be needed.

It will great if you could answer the question and comment on the correctness (or otherwise) of the circuit diagram.

Thanks in advance!
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