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By Vincent Lê
#36506 Found it !
I've installed it following a tutorial and adding "" in my Additional Boards Manargers URLs.
Now my folder is "esp8266/1.6.5-947-g39819f0" and not 2.0 !
First I will found out how to properly install my package, then I will try to change the code.
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By martinayotte
Vincent Lê wrote:Found it !
I've installed it following a tutorial and adding "" in my Additional Boards Manargers URLs.
Now my folder is "esp8266/1.6.5-947-g39819f0" and not 2.0 !
First I will found out how to properly install my package, then I will try to change the code.

No, 1.6.5-947 is the old "stable" from July.
Delete the whole folder, and re-install. You can also point directly to ... index.json
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By Vincent Lê
#36568 Thanks to your help, I've solved my problem :

1/ In /Users/vincentle/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.0.0-rc2/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/ESP8266WiFi.cpp, I've replaced the line 592 by:
Code: Select allconfig.show_hidden = 1;

2/ Now, when I call:
Code: Select allWiFi.scanNetworks()

I get all the Access Points, including those without SSID.

Now, martinayotte, can you help me with two more things:
1/ How do I suggest the development team to add a scanNetWorks(bool includeHidden, bool async) function?

2/ I've read the code, but I don't understand the link between scanNetworks() and WiFi.BSSIDstr(n) for instance.
First I thought that scanNetworks() would just return a number. So I looped from 1 to 100 to search for any hidden AP, but this doesn't return any other AP (with show_hidden=0). Then, I suppose there is something in the code that link scanned AP and only them to the "getters" functions. But as I'm not easy with C, I don't understand the mechanism.
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By martinayotte
#36587 For the WiFi.scanNetworks() with show_hidden argument, I will add it myself and submit a PR to IGGR.
For the others getters, they are simply another way to access the info individually instead of using getNetworkInfo() in a single call.