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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#36810 Variables need to be cleared at some point I believe this is what is causing the esp to reset when sending stuff to it the vars page gets to large holding too much information and bang craps out and reboots...

Would be nice to be able to disable this page after your project has been completed while good for debugging not good for most after they have something functional.
Last edited by forlotto on Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Mmiscool
#36814 If you set a password on the device it should not let you go the card page unless you are logged in.
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By forlotto
#36816 hrmmm something is causing it to reboot after sending several commands using msgbranch

I checked the vars page it appears that it is not compiling a list of all the data as originally thought.

Switching pins on/off should not cause it to reboot this is not normal there has to be somewhere that data is getting bound up using msgbranch or something ...

I can repeat it over and over again there is a bug somewhere that is causing this to happen and it should not.

Could it be the HTML tags I am using in msg branch causing the html buffer to get overflowed or something along this line I would not think that it should matter because the tags are switching each time different data is loaded but maybe just maybe this is the case if so is there any way to clear this buffer before sending out new stuff does cls clear the html data?

gotta run some tests...
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By forlotto
#36817 PERFECT!!!!!

Figured it out needed the cls before each sub...

Now I can hammer them as fast as I can click them as many times as my heart desires without any issues at all...

Sorry about this one it was a bug in my own code not the Vars page as I suspected.

I will have to keep this in mind use cls where ever possible to keep the screen buffer from filling up!

Now everything is 100% functional ! Now I can move on to some of the next stages of dev. Man I've been hung up on this one for too long sometimes you have to just write stuff down and it will help you in the thinking process.