Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

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By xtal
#36858 Thx - I now can upload sketch using sweetpea ESP-201 and Blink , HOWEVER
I'm using [White] ESP-201 pin ref The big pretty layout ..... and USB rxtc converter [NO ARDUINO]
using pinMode(?, OUTPUT);

If I use pin 1 for output I blink the blue led on the esp and on my usbrxtx adapter
If I use pin 3 for output I blink the blue led on my usbrxtx adapter
If I use pin 4 for output I blink IO4 line
If I use pin 5 for output I blink IO5 line

Is there a pin map for sweetpea ESP-201 on Arduino ???????????????
I'm thinking my white ESP-201 is not same as sweetpea ??
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By xtal
#36903 This is what I came up with for the WHITE ESP-201
Arduino ESP8266 Generic


pinmode( x, output )

x = 0 IO0
x = 1 GPIO1
x = 2 IO2
x = 3 GPIO3
x = 4 IO4
x = 5 IO5
x = 6 CLK GPIO6 ----not usable ?
x = 7 D0 GPIO7 ----not usable ?
x = 8 D1 GPIO8 ----not usable ?
x = 9 D2 GPIO9 ----not usable ?
x = 10 D3 GPIO10
x = 11 CMD GPIO11 ----not usable ?
x = 12 IO12
x = 13 IO13
x = 14 IO14
x = 15 IO15
x = 16 XPD GPIO16