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By mflmartin
lethe wrote:With an ESP-01 you only option is to use I2C I/O expanders such as the MCP23017 or PCF8575 (or PCA9685 if you need PWM dimming).

With ESP modules that have more GPIOs, there are more options like:
- charlieplexing basically comes for free, you can drive 20 LEDs using 5 GPIOs, but addressing the LEDs is a bit complicated. See
- using 74HC595 shift registers. These are really cheap, easy to interface and can be driven at high speed using the SPI port.

Charlieplexing looks way out of my league :) (for now).

The other option seems interesting and more in the line that what I was looking for. I will look further for that option.

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By eduperez
mflmartin wrote:
Barnabybear wrote:Hi, if you can use WS2812 LEDs it's easy.


As a matter of fact I ordered a bunch of independent Neo pixels a while ago, just to test things out. I am getting them tomorrow. But, with independent ones, would I be able to do this? Note that they are not chained one to another. For what I want to do (put leds in different places in a very big frame... maybe it's not an option no? (I am a complete newbie in electronics, so maybe I missed something).

I do not see the issue here... either you connect normal independent LEDs to the ESP (using an I/O expander or a shift register), or you connect a string of addressable LEDs connected in series.