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By gerardwr
alonewolfx2 wrote:can you measure 2aa voltage when esp working? i am using 2 gp recyko+. 2.63v on idle. its droping 2.3v when esp working

2.59V with running Webserver :D
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By alonewolfx2
#3708 I have verified. esp-01 working with 2aa battery but esp03 not working.
i saw 2 difference between esp-01 and 03. esp03 have ceramic antenna and winbond spi flash.
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By igrr
martinayotte wrote:Just a side note for those who wish to have a second SPI and doesn't have much GPIOs available, NXP has a I2C to SPI bridge, the SC18IS602B.

It is also possible to share the SPI interface used by flash with other devices. There is a sample on that shows how to enable bus arbitration and connect an SPI OLED display.