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By GengusKahn
#37168 The connections for Flashing MUST include the Ground pin for reference, this is most likely the cause of your problems.
5v from the USB to the Red Wire
GND from the USB to the Black wire
The batteries drain to a level the LDO is unable to use very quickly, I also used this for a boost the voltage...

I have a picture of this board in use......the power is supplied from a mobile phone charger

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By Roypo
#37210 Thank you all and i will try it,
since i am not the only one having problems with this board
i would like to add a scheme that will help me and others:

step by step guide:
C1->C2 (jumper)
E10->D2 (GND)
A8->B1 (reset)
battery pack connected to red+black on board
download basic flashing tool from ____
download framework from ________
set COM and do_____

if some one can help with that it could be great
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By DrG
Roypo wrote:Thank you all and i will try it,
since i am not the only one having problems with this board
i would like to add a scheme that will help me and others:

step by step guide:
C1->C2 (jumper)
E10->D2 (GND)
A8->B1 (reset)
battery pack connected to red+black on board
download basic flashing tool from ____
download framework from ________
set COM and do_____

if some one can help with that it could be great

**I do not believe that your scheme will work.** EDITED to rephrase as "I don't know if your scheme will work :) As I stated in my posts, The TX and RX connections are STRAIGHT THROUGH to the USB/Serial board when they are accessed from the 3-pin connector that you have marked as 'D' (TX->TX, RX->RX). When accessed from 'A' they are TX->RX and RX->TX. EDITED TO ADD: You have the D1 D2 D3 connections correct in your text but the language confused me ([E10->D2 (GND) E2->D3(TXD->RXD) E3->D1(RXD->TXD)] i.e., E2 is actually TXD on your serial board and it is connected to D3 which is marked as TXD on the yellow board - even though the board will route it RXD on the chip itself).

This morning I re-verified the connection and on my board, the way I said and, in fact, it works. Of course, I have a different USB/serial board and I am using your nomenclature. Now, it is possible that not all yellow boards are equal, but on mine, I have described it accurately and verified it this morning.

Here is a modified picture of the connections that I used this morning to program and run the board.

Here is a movie (poor quality, but I left my professional movie studio in my other pants) that I took this morning after attaching the board and programming it using the diagram analogous to that above.

So, my advice, in terms of steps is:

1. Download and install The Arduino IDE version 1.6.5 (maybe 1.6.7) with the ArduinoESP libraries. Although this is not a trivial step, there is a section of this forum dedicated to this "framework" and it is *very* easy to use. Others will recommend other frameworks and everybody finds their own way, as they say.

2. Use a power supply hooked up as in my diagram and one that can put out at least 500 mA. A 5v power supply hooked up in place of the batteries works fine as the board includes a 3.3v regulator - this is what you can see that I used in the video clip. After you get used to programming the board, you can play around with batteries. Again, too little power presents all kinds of frustrations.

3. select your port and "Generic ESP Board" in the Arduino IDE.

4. Write your program and upload to the board after you put the jumper into the flash position and turn on the power. When it is uploaded it will include the ArduinoESP "framework" and will WIPE OUT any other framework/program that you previously installed. It will do that every time you upload successfully. If you decide you don't like the ArduinoESP framework, you can reflash the board with your favorite flavor of SDK. The program that is running in the movie clip is attached to my original "review" post that I cited earlier (boardexercisor.ino or something like that). This will do a junky flashing routine and you will be able to see how easy it is to program.

5. Turn the power supply off. Move the jumper to the open 'run' position. Remove your USB/Serial board connectors. Turn the power supply on. The program runs. No need for any other connections .



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By Roypo
#37298 wow !
thank you you kind and detailed answer !
unfortunately it doesn't work for me.. :(
but i have a feeling it is not a faulty but a faulty connections (and poor skills of mine)
so i made another diagram ...

i removed the battery pack and tried to connect the VCC (red) directly to the board
(it is o.k since it have inboard converter )
the board works but flashing is not working (doesn't get info from the board) - i have tried both arduino and mcu flasher
a. should i try to connect the DH_PD to the electric current (from where and can i not use current converter ) ?
b. am i doing it wrong ? :roll:

thank you all , you are awesome !! :D