Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By allenbower
andrew melvin wrote:I took this work a little further, and made a lib out of it. that allows max of 255 lights, and 255 groups.. although i'd not recommend more than 16 groups as per the spec.

see here

it works ok for some stuff... but the big issue at the moment is the fast speed at which a lot of clients send packets to the ESP. it is just not able to cope with such a high packet load. so animations are out. this works with the chroma app for mac fairly well.

The colour conversions are also way out.. some better way of converting between the hue, xy, of the huelight and rgb, hsl of neopixels is needed.

This is awesome! I was able to get your example working, do you have plans to create a tutorial on how to use it?

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By legomannetje
#37504 I got the same problem, until i tried it in an other version of the arduino IDE (version 1.6.5). Then it compiles and uploads fine. Then i got an error. lights.conf and groups.conf don't exists, does someone know where to find these? thanks in advance
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By Deennoo
#40974 No Probleme for me both works great with ios app Huemote and Domoticz homeautomation software.

Compile ide 1.6.5 and ESPArduino RC2.1.0 on a Wemos Mini d1, choose a card who got SPIFFS memory.

Just got one asking :

- Please can you explain how to set all the led strip as a single hue bulb ?or how to define :
- x pixels (starting from 0 to x) = lightno1 then pixel n°x to pixel n°y = lightno2 ?