Downloaded your code and find some bugs.
The mkespfsimage main.c have a small bug on compressHeatshrink(), the len declared int but must be "size_t len", else causing Segmentation fault for me when try to generate the image(if select c 0 (no compression, then works!))
After flash images to esp everything works as expected but the wifiscan do not find any AP-s.
If I reflash the 0.20 AT firmware and do scan then list all AP-s, I can join too, setting sta and give ssid an pass.
Now if I flash again the esp-httpd firmware (but not erase the config 0x7e000) the module automatically connect to my AP, now connecting to esp the wifiscan working and show all AP-s.
If I do again and leave the firmware on AP mode then again no AP-s found.
I'm using SDK 0.9.3
Any idea?