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By VikingCode
#38729 hello guy's

On my desk , one of my monitors is a tv , that doesn't go into standby mode when my computer goes into the sleep mode.

As a solution for my problem i used an IR led (that i scavenged from an old remote) with the esp-01 for hardware and Ken sheriff's lib as software lib. This way when my computer goes into the sleep mode, my IoT remote would turn my tv off.

As it is only my second hardware hack, i would appreciate if somebody could take a look at my schematics to see if i didn't forget something important.

( BTW remote does work :D )
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By martinayotte
#38766 The LED is improperly located. it should on collector side of the transistor, and reversed, the anode should be to VCC, not the cathode. Also, you need a current limiting resistor (such as 220 ohms) in series with it, otherwise the IR LED will probably become broken. Another resistor should be placed in serie with the base, something like 1K, otherwise you can damage the ESP GPIO. Personally, I'm prefer using a MOSFET instead of 2N2222.