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By NailBuster
#38525 Hey, wanted to share what I did to get my touch/lcd screen(ILI9341) attached to's working with the AdaFruit GFX library! The touch is one of those clone/inexpensive 2.8" SPI touch devices from ali (around $7 usd).....

I had to use some files from different projects and some small tweaks to get it working for my device....other than power, it uses 7 pins connected to the esp12 (nodemcu).

credit goes to Spiros Papadimitriou for his code for the touch driver(XPT2046) to share the SPI hardware pins of esp for touch/lcd.....and of course adafruit for the gfx library....

I created a page with instructions and download, it's all beta so feel free to try it out....or improve on it!
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By NailBuster
#38810 strange as the standard library didn't work on my particular screen....clones...gotta love them :)

I also been changing the XPT touch driver to use SPI transactions....that way I've been keeping the touch at 2Mhz SPI and the screen I've tried at 32Mhz (don't know how fast/max the screen chip can actually take)...

but using SPI transactions is working for me....I've actually shared the SPI bus with another device too (max6675).