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By martinayotte
#38969 Then, why you said "I set pinMode(9, OUTPUT) my board crashes" ?
Maybe those boards still have some of the QIO wiring and when trying to use GPIO9, it interfere the Flash I/O.
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By WereCatf
martinayotte wrote:Then, why you said "I set pinMode(9, OUTPUT) my board crashes" ?

Because that's what happens? I wouldn't have said it otherwise.

martinayotte wrote:Maybe those boards still have some of the QIO wiring and when trying to use GPIO9, it interfere the Flash I/O.

I do not know, all the info I've found about this have specifically said that there is no need to cut any wires on the Nodemcu. It would be quite stupid for the device to default to DIO-mode and advertise GPIO9 and GPIO10 as selling-points, but then not having those pins available after all without physical modifications to the board.
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By WereCatf
#38972 Okay, I suppose all that I've read saying you don't need to cut anything has been wrong. I modified boards.txt to use QIO and the device works fine, still -- ESP.getFlashChipMode() confirms it is running in QIO and that shouldn't be possible if the wires were, indeed, cut.

That also means I won't ever be able to use 9 and 10 :(
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By martinayotte
#38974 In this case, especially that you mentioned "there's constantly traffic on 10 even if I'm not using it", that would means that SDK still partially handle those pins as QIO, even if firmware uploaded is in DIO mode.
(Personally, I can't try it out since I've plain ESP12s which I don't want to hack under the cover)