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By gsker
Dacflyer wrote:OK UPDATE
i am trying a different wifi module ( just in case it has a glitch , sometimes it hangs RX TX lights stay on full and it starts to overheat )
ok, i have a new module today... redid all that i learned ( lil easier this time )
issue now is my router does not see any connection.. i am wondering id it only tried to connect at certain time or what..
trying to get this answer out of the maker.
anyway i tried a earlier suggestion to get current IP info ? )
i typped this command and got result at bottom..

mean anything ? should i see a valid IP number stored in the wifi module ?
or will this number only be seen when it is in the clock ?
if it needs to be in the wifi module is there a easy way to program it?
or does anyone have ideas why the router does not see the connection...

That means that you don't have a configured IP address and the clock is probably not talking to the ESP for one reason or another. One of the suggestions I made early on was to check into whether you needed a different firmware on the clock. (not the esp01). That might be a root cause.

Either way, I would just do the wifi communication directly on the esp01 instead of expecting the clock to do it. That might not get you anywhere; if the clock can't talk to the ESP well enough to configure the WIFI it might also not talk to the esp01 for configuring the time.

With that said -- use the AT commands to connect to your router.
Then plug the esp8266 back into the clock and see if it starts talking.
BTW are you sure that it has power while plugged into the clock? Does the light blink (assuming there's an LED on yours).

So these are the steps to get your esp8266 configured for wifi.


The quotes are required.
You should see OK as a return.
You should also get something sane back if you do AT+CWJAP?
It will remember that configuration even if it's powered off. It gets saved to non-volatile flash. Once you do that, then you should see that it's connected to your router and you can try plugging it back into the clock.

Just throwing things to try out there...
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By gsker
Dacflyer wrote:maybe this might help some ??
that attachments shows current wifi setting in router.
my internet works just fine, but maybe you see something obvious as to why the router does not see my clock
its IP is

What device has that IP? The router is, and the esp01 doesn't have an IP address if what you said about the output of AT+CIPSTA? is true.

In that .doc file (you should just post a jpg or a png or bmp, but not a .doc file) that you posted, your lease time is set to 1 minute which is pretty crazy.
Set that to something very long -- usually 3 days (4320 minutes) or a week or something like that.

And you have the router address itself ( in the DHCP range that the wifi clients are referring to (1-200). That could cause grief, that's for sure. Change that DHCP range to start at 10 or 20 or something.

It's also an interesting inconvenience that your wireless network is on the same subnet as the one that the esp8266 folks picked for their configuration network. Funny, but not seriously problematic and likely not related to the problems you are having.

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By Dacflyer
#39110 ok, i think i found 1 error... 1st of all i reset my router back to default...
before and after, i have tried to connect to the clock, but when it gets to the point to entering my password, it fails..
i think my computer has blocked me from logging on... not sure where to clear that part at.. i tried looking in managing my wireless networks, only my laptop shows, nothing else..

but on a good note i did as you asked me to do.. i connected via USB to the wifi module and entered the info. and i seen that before i could not connect before was,,, my SSID had "+" in places of the spaces.
i noticed this before and tried to correct it, but the page kept filling the "+" back in..
in the terminal program i was able to remove that, and i was then able to connect,, here is the info below...


AT version:0.22.b1.0
SDK version:0.9.6(b1)


AT+CWJAP="I see you... OMG!","petschler" ( before it was "I+see+you...+OMG! " )

+CWJAP:"I see you... OMG!"


just need to figure out how to get my laptop to let me log onto the clock..
i turn off my regular wifi ( disconnect from normal wifi ) then connect to the wifichron, then i get the window to enter password... it will not let me connect.. i see the wifi, but cannot connect..