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By 6thsenselabs
#39019 Hi,
I am working on building a Wifi based IoT product and had been working on the Electric Imp platform so far. I came across ESP8266 recently and am moving over due to lower price and better community support yay...

I was wondering if anyone is aware of a product that was shipped using the 8266. I am not sure of how the end user hooks up the device to their WiFi for a device that does not have a screen/user interface.

Any replies/help would be appreciated.
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By wififofum
#39132 Plenty of techniques for WiFi onboarding. Most common would be AP mode like chromecast and wemo among others do. Also wps, smartconfig (or equiv).

Imp uses the blink up visible light transmission thing and amazon dash uses an audio link via microphone which are interesting but not necessarily ideal in all cases.
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By bjpirt
#39139 I'm shipping a product based on the ESP8266 ( and I have it bring up an access point, then you can point your browser at a page it serves out which lets you get it on your WiFi network. There is also some code from Espressif which lets you use a smartphone app to send it the details through some kind of magic, but I find the idea of developing (and supporting) apps just to do this less appealing than having it use an access point.

Hope that helps,
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By mianos
#39173 The 'sonoff' is shipping. It uses 'smartconfig' for wifi configuration. The stock smartconfig works great. All you need is a single button to put it into smartconfig mode and use your mobile, android or apple. For my project I just detect a double click followed by a second double click and it goes into config mode. Some people use a long click. When you get one you can flash my micropython port and have a play in python before you cook it up in C.