Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By anupak
#39228 I used PCF8574 in couple of projects (was easy to wire up), have a look at the following posts to get an idea,

The reference to appropriate code is in the posts.

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By WereCatf
#39233 I had looked at that Funduino I2C expansion-board on, but nowhere was it mentioned that it also works using 3.3V -- everything I found, even with Google, just said 5V and I didn't find any picture where I could read what chip it used so I couldn't even find a specsheet for it. Also, similarly I had found a lot of those PCF8574 - boards on eBay, but the int-pin is lumped together with the GPIO-pins, not with the pins that you'd use to interface with the board (SDA, SCL, VCC and GND) and it just didn't occur to me to count the GPIO-pins -- the description said 8 GPIO and it looked like 8, so I had no reason to count and realize there was actually 9 pins in a row.

Well, both devices look fine for my needs then. I'm going to blame this on the fact that I've slept for 3 hours a day for a week now and I have trouble keeping my head straight. I do appreciate all the answers and I apologize for the mess! (Though maybe some other newcomer will stumble upon this and find the thread useful)

Thanks, all!
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By trackerj
MisterBennie wrote:I really would like to know how things worked out, so please do.
By the way, no mess at all.
During the search I've learned things too, so no wasted time here.

Might worth to take a look also on this thread about a 16 bit I2C Expander Board: