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By infor_mare
#39366 Hi , my project is growing , and i'm very happy about it.
As you know , i finish the pins on my ESP-07, with them i can manage 4 bistable electro valve 9Vcc. I manage them with an impulse from a gpio to the L293d that activate the electrovalve connected to it. Considering that the electrovalve are bistable, i need only an impulse to activate them. Now i want switch on a led when the valve is activated and switch off when it is disactivated. To do that i can use only the impulse that i'm using to activate/deactivate the valve. I'm thinking to use a ne555 , but in this situation i need a 555 per led ... i have 4 leds. I have no space for 4xNe555.
Can you give me a integrated circuit that can help me? Or maybe a sistem to use less 555?