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By ditor
#39561 "will work until, RESET which goes back to the old baud rate" - this goes my device back to unresponsiveness.. :(

And another issue is happening now... Reflashed devie @115200 does random things on bootup:
- device boots to "ready" message without problems (rare),
- device gives exception messages (often) instead of booting up,
- device gets to a reset loop: after giving the expected "ready" message device resets again in a few seconds.

I really don't know what to do... It seems to me that my best choice is breaking this module into very small parts with a big hammer...
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By hnrkssn
#39643 I'm experiencing the same thing.
I have a esp8266-1 which I have flashed to the latest version.
I works fine to change the baud rate to 9600 using AT+IPR=9600. I can access the device successfully.
However, after restarting the device by removing VCC and then connect it again, the 8266 prints garbage on the serial connection (no matter using baud rate 9600 or the default 115200) and the blue LED lits up and remains lit without blinking.
I can no longer access the device. The only thing that restores the state of the chip is if I re-flash it again.

The software in use is 1.5.1.
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By xtal
#39660 Setting your monitor baud to 78440 might show something....I use ESPlorer v0.2
I recommend ESP FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOL v 2.4 I've had some issues with other flashers

If you are familiar with basic you could try MMISCOOL's basic

Have you tried a different usb-serial converter,,,My FT232R? were flaky only 2 of 10 would Flash..
I now use crystal controlled usb-converter,,,
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By LesJ
#40047 I too have had the same problem. The module worked fine at 115200 bauds. I am new to these modules and have only had it about 3 days. (Bought on ebay from "buyhere22") AT+GMR gave
AT version:
SDK version:1.1.1
Ai-Thinker Technology Co. Ltd.

When I changed the Baud rate to 9600 (AT+IPR=9600) it worked until it was reset by cycling the power. I have tried all normal baud rates from 9600 to 115200 and 78440 suggested in post #39660 These tests were done using an FT232R. I also tried it using a real com port at 9600 and 115200 Bauds. The module sitill responds to pings from computers on my network. I am now going to read up on the procedure to re flash the firmware.
