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By Alan-bc
#39573 I am a bit unclear about the capabilities of the ESP8266. At first glance, it seems to do everything <g> so much so that I can't seem to determine what's needed to get it to do something simple.

I need an RS232 to WiFi bridge. That is, I need to send serial information from a wired device (a GPS) via Wifi to a PC, where it will be read by a virtual COM port.

I can certainly buy such a device, but they're $250 or more, which is nuts when you think about it. I'm good with the electronic side of things .. levels and such .. just not sure how much programming (if any) is involved.

All tidbits appreciated.

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By xtal
#39617 I doing something similiar....

I have PIC serial RxTx--> BLuetooth ----> RxTx Bluetooth virtual serial on PC
Then PC ---> ESP[ server] ~~~~~> CLIENT which displays the data....

The pC is running bridge software written in Liberty Basic ,, What comes in is sent out ,rather simple,
all this is for testing ..I didn't want to run 20 ft wire for serial connection...

The final project will be PIC serial hardwired --> ESP[server] ~~~~> client
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By crispernaki
#40417 I'm in the same boat as xtal and Alan-bc (I think) in terms of the application.

Ultimately, esp-link allows one to connect to whatever through the ESP8266 through a wireless network (wireless router, etc.), right?

I want to connect my laptop directly to the ESP8266 and through the ESP8266, connect to whatever. I want to cut out the wireless router middleman.

So, I'm probably just missing something simple, and I apologize in advance for asking questions that have more than likely already been answered, multiple times.