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By kingedem
#39621 Hi Michael,

Can show me example of using wifioff?
What you have mentioned in your above post is bit different then the explanation given on your website "WIFIOFF:
Will turn of all networking for sta and ap mode.".

I am just wondering if both are off then? How can we connect to the module to make it ON?
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By Mmiscool
#39623 Once wifi is turned off it can be reactivated with the ap or connect commands. This will reactivate the wifi and both modes can be used at once if desired.
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By heckler
#39687 Additional question for clarification Michael,

So does this new ability to be both an AP and a Station at the same time change the way an ESP module works by default?

Will it still boot up in AP mode and accept settings on the SETTINGS page to let you tell it to connect as a Station? or will we need to do something manually to have it work the way it used to before this latest update that includes the WIFIOFF statement?
