Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By RichardS
#3548 I updated the WIKI to better show the relation between the I/O GPIO# and the pin function and actual pin # of the part.

Please refer to ... definition

Can someone also add the missing GPIO I can not find the answers to 6,7,8,9,10.11 and also check the ones that are there.
EDIT: it looks like 6-11 are all the SPI Flash connections, still would be nice to have it all documents.

Also we should add a coloum that explains when that I/O can be used and when not, and how to make it usable if its currently not.....

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By RichardS
#3979 No one can help with this???? Pin functions vs. GPIOn number???

Want to get WIKI updated.

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By sztomi86
#3993 Hi admin,
I just found a russian ESP8266 page with a lot of info about the PINs and functions:

(There are few words in russian but google translation is quite understandable, try it with Chrome browser.)
The first link is similar to your wiki page, the second has more info about the secondary functions.

Good luck and keep up doing a great wiki page! :)
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By RichardS
#4001 Good find! Thanks!
