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By ardubeginner
#39835 Hello! I need help with my project for college. My task is to create gmail notifier using Arduino Nano/Uno, esp8266, 7seg display and buzzer. I have problems with connecting esp8266 with gmail account. It has to check my mail all the time and show how many unread messages I have.
Does somebody have a code to make esp8266 communicate with gmail account and receive data from it?
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By ncnmra
#40288 Not sure this is possible in the current state. Gmail manadates SSL connections, and the ESP8266 from what I've seen isn't very good at this. You may be able to find a POP client and use an external stunnel server to tunnel your regular POP connection through SSL to gmail.

I have an office phone system that has to work this way, since it doesn't support SSL connections.
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By GeoNomad
#40314 You can use IFTTT

to send a notification to the ESP8266 if it is set up as a server.

Not sure why you would need the Arduino, though, the ESP8266 can do the display and buzzer all by itself.