- Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:01 am
Thanks Mike!
I went and downloaded ver 166 dated Dec 18 2015
So it appears that the "open" code problem started with this ver 166
the comment shows that it is when you added initial neo pixel support.
I am testing with an esp-01 512K module
I am using CHROME browser
I am using the following "graphic clock" code...
Code: Select allonload [drawClock]
wprint "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='5;URL=/input?'>"
print "Graphic Clock"
graphics 500 500
gosub [dotime]
gosub [drawface]
gosub [drawhour]
gosub [drawminute]
x = myhour * 30
x = x / 57.29577951
xx = sin(x)
xx = xx * 150
xx = 250 + xx
yy = cos(x)
yy = yy * 150
yy = 250 - yy
line 250 250 xx yy
x = mymin * 6
x = x / 57.29577951
xx = sin(x)
xx = xx * 200
xx = 250 + xx
yy = cos(x)
yy = yy * 200
yy = 250 - yy
line 250 250 xx yy 12
circle 250 250 210 3
circle 250 250 205 15
for t = 1 to 12
x = t * 30
x = x / 57.29577951
xx = sin(x)
xx = xx * 205
xx = 250 + xx
yy = cos(x)
yy = yy * 205
yy = 250 - yy
circle xx yy 4 3
next t
mytime = time()
myhour = mid(mytime,12,2)
mymin = mid(mytime,15,2)
mysec = mid(mytime,18,2)
partmin = mysec / 60
mymin = mymin + partmin
parthour = mymin / 60
myhour = myhour + parthour
The above code does not require any external hardware to the module.
It does need access to the internet to "get time"
at ver 165 the code seems to "OPEN" just fine
at ver 166 when I try and "open" the code, the chrome browser window will report "NO DATA RECEIVED" within just a few seconds.
I seem to be able to restart the module and open the code before the 30 window expires. After the default code runs then the open command seems to fail pretty much every time.
I will test with other programs