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By vovken1997
#40368 Hello, I have a problem with UART. If I use a higher baudrate of 115,200 in the team "AT + UART = 115200,8,1,0,0", I get the characters and the module don't realizes me. The input commands are served at the correct speed, I checked. I'm using the latest firmware.
What could be the problem?
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By awall
#40499 It is not clear if you have problems in sending or receiving data (or both) from the ESP module.
I suggest you check the serial adapter you're using to drive it. Most common issues:
  • the level of the serial lines is not compatible (e.g. 5V vs 3.3V)
  • in case of USB to TTL adapters (like FTDI) there are many cloned chips that are really low grade
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By xtal
#40503 I've had several issues using FT232RL , got from ALIEXPRESS vendor
I now prefer a crystal controlled USB converter...
use a good level shifter -- Sparkfun has a4-signal one at resonable price....