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By bkenobi
#40528 More reading suggests that this is a common reset (as I thought). The reset is caused by the watchdog which results in resets every 5'ish seconds. The 2 common causes seem to be a bad chip or insufficient power. The documentation I found ( suggests that insufficient power is actually pretty demanding (3v3@500mA). I've been running off my laptop's USB port, so I wonder if that's the issue. That said, my testing has all been with serial communication at this time so outside of using a powered hub, I'm not sure how to give the NodeMCU more power. I assume the Wemos D1 can be externally powered and connected to USB though I have no documentation to say that's a good idea.
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By martinayotte
#40535 Of course, Power is the most biggest issue with ESP !
I've seen answer recently from someone which I try to help that he finally realized that computer didn't provide enough power on the USB, as soon he tried his module on another computer, it start working without any change to his firmware.
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By bkenobi
#40571 I tried several different things:
    Different USB ports (USB2, USB3, ESATA)
    Different computer (Dell M4800 laptop)
    USB hub (powered Belkin 4 port)

In all cases, I did not see any improvement. In all cases of using the code attached to the OP I have resets at a 5-8 second interval. I also tried different code to see if all programs lock up (they do not). The following simple counter works just fine.

Code: Select allint counter = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("hello world!");

void loop() {