The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By grigorygn
#40407 Hi!

Thanks for very useful project.

Let me add one little warning - if you use ESP8266-01 module pay attention if there GPIO15 pin connected directly to GND. So if you load IoTmanager2.ino to ESP8266-01 module, then "red" PWM out may overload GPIO15 line.
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By 4refr0nt
grigorygn wrote:Let me add one little warning - if you use ESP8266-01 module pay attention if there GPIO15 pin connected directly to GND. So if you load IoTmanager2.ino to ESP8266-01 module, then "red" PWM out may overload GPIO15 line.

Thanks! Its very important.
I'm add note into sketch.