Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By torntrousers
cnlohr wrote:After 30+ hours of tinkering with all the variables, looking through some ESP32 code, changing values trying to get it working, it looks like I got it.

That sounds interesting! I tried compiling the code but i don't have the headers mystuff.h, pin_mux_register.h, dmastuff.h, could you show them too?
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By cnlohr
torntrousers wrote:
cnlohr wrote:After 30+ hours of tinkering with all the variables, looking through some ESP32 code, changing values trying to get it working, it looks like I got it.

That sounds interesting! I tried compiling the code but i don't have the headers mystuff.h, pin_mux_register.h, dmastuff.h, could you show them too?

They're all from my Channel 3 repository