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By Mai Mariarti
#41109 I searched and searched the web to see if 2 or more ESP modules can send each other serial data using their wifi, and found nothing!
I want to replace a pair of Arduino pro minis and stand alone 900 MHz transceivers, with 2 of these.
Any link or detailed explanation would be greatly appreciated.
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By amadeus84
#41132 The esp does not care where the data comes from or goes to. At the other end can be a pc, phone, a raspberry pi and yes, another esp. I've never tried to have 2 esps talk to each other, but this is what I would try:

- configure one of the esps as access point, with SSID and encryption if you want to.
- configure the other esp as station and have it connect to the first esp.

This thread viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1925 contains an arudino sketch download/file.php?id=703 for how to set up the esp module as access point from the arduino.
Look at the access_point() function. Those are the AT commands you need to run on the esp. You can run those from a serial terminal program such as minicom until you get them right, then you automate them from the arduino.

Then, you need to figure out the AT commands to set up the other esp, which I don't remember them off the top of my head. Check out the AT documentation e.g. here ... _v0.30.pdf.