Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Drum
#41216 I would think it possible, I have heard of Arduino Pro mini 3.3V used as a Analog port expanded via I2c,. No idea how well it works, but I am curious how many sensors these will handle and still function.

There are also relatively inexpensive PCF8591 breakout boards which will add 4 analog ports via I2C.

ADAFruit has a nice little INA219 breakout to monitor voltage and current via I2C. I don't know how well it works but it might be worth looking at. I have some on order to try with ESPEasy. I'm sure it has an additional power cost, but it might be nice to see how different sensors use power. 0.8ma resolution on current and up to 3.2A / 26V if I read correctly,.
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By martinayotte
wififofum wrote:Did you consider using esp-14?

Do you ever know someone who get any success stories with ESP-14 ?

ESP-14 is a complete design flop !
STM8 is limited in resources, even toolchain is a problem.
It should have been done using STM32, in such case, it would probably become a design success !
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By wififofum
martinayotte wrote:
wififofum wrote:Did you consider using esp-14?

Do you ever know someone who get any success stories with ESP-14 ?

ESP-14 is a complete design flop !
STM8 is limited in resources, even toolchain is a problem.
It should have been done using STM32, in such case, it would probably become a design success !

Yes but you have to be willing to do custom firmware for both esp8266 and stm8.