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By Josh Blease
#40127 So this may not be the correct place to ask this, but I can't flash my ESP8266 (ESP-01). I have 3.3v and ground connected, Rx to Tx and Tx to Rx on my usb to serial adaptor. I also have GPIO0 connected to ground too.

I am using an external power supply but the usb adaptor and power adaptor share a common ground.

I'm using a mac and esp tools to flash it, and it has worked before.
The command I am using is:

Code: Select allsudo ./ --port /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410 write_flash 0x00000 AT22SDK10020150320boot12.bin

But the response is:

Code: Select allA fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266

This make me think something is wrong with receiving data from the ESP because when attempting to connect, the ESPs blue LED flashes.

My usb to serial adaptor works fine though as i've tested it with my arduino.