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By lethe
naphil wrote:What SD card modules can you use with what esp versions? I saw you could use it with a ESP-01 if manually break the rquired pins out. With the ESP-12E or NodeMCU v2 this shouldn't be required right? What SD card module is recommended for use with the esp8266 if it does matter at all? Are the ones you can't use with it?

Yes, ESP12 have SPI pins, no need for any crude hacks.

However I wouldn't bother with SD cards. ESP-12 modules have 4MB flash, that's plenty of space for a µC.

If you want to use a SD card anyway, there's no need for any module. Chances are, you already have a SD to microSD adapter, you can wire one of those directly to the ESP (or solder a .1" pin header for breadboard use).
If you search for "SD card SPI pinout", there should be a ton of examples on the web. On the ESP side, refer to the datasheet for the HSPI pins.
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By naphil
#41680 Yeah 4MB might most likely be enough, but I still want to tinker around with SD cards :D .

The self-made solution would look like this right? ... 13_lrg.jpg
Why do the pre build solutions have additional components like resistors etc.? There are also modules with different amount of pins, like these two: ... 80.jpg?c=2 ... rduino.jpg
What's the difference between them?
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By martinayotte
#41681 The modules you provided links have on-board 3.3V voltage regulator on both case, so power input must be 5V, and one of them have also a voltage translator chip. This is because the SDCard logics are themselves 3.3V, but when those are plugged with an standard 5V Arduino, they requires those extra components.
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By naphil
#41696 Ah yes, don't know why I didn't see that :)
I ordered some step down converters ... 17568.html and logic level converters ... 863201603C together with my esp8266 modules, so it shouldn't be an issue.

I also read about swapping out the onboard flash chip, which looks really interesting, but don't know if I wanna do that :D .