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By HopWorks
#41735 I hear you and THANK YOU for speaking up!! I HAVE seen other complaints online about ESP8266 reliability. While testing and chasing a MQTT network issue with Debian Jessie vs Wheezy, I noticed SEVERAL reboots of the device by the WDT. While chasing THIS issue, I read about the power supply and bad low-cost FLASH being the main contributors of the issues.

And my issues are while using the nodejs developer board, the ESP12E.

I will test this theory with smaller modules, like the ESP-01 which I have 20 total from various suppliers. I still need to upgrade their firmware to use, but if the problem persists, it will be a sad moment for me. What other cost-effective viable option is there for getting embedded systems on home wireless networks?

Maybe more decoupling caps on the power pins and/or a more stable power supply (adapter, not USB) will fix the issue.

It's starting to feel like this technology is just too good to be true though. Maybe we will have to wait another year or more (or less) for something more stable for this genre of network connectivity.

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By AdrianM
#41741 Hi HopWorks, WDT resets smack of software not hardware. I take it you're using the Arduino framework? If it's an MQTT project you might want to try nodemcu/LUA using your ESP8266-12 instead. As I commented back in post 40071 IMO the LUA framework is less likely to let you code something that interferes with the essential housekeeping going on behind the scenes. Any single processor implementation of a full WiFi stack is going to present gotchas when it shares cpu cycles with user code.