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By 4refr0nt
#39150 Dear ESPlorer users!

I'm ESPlorer developer, but not good LUA programmer.
Now, I'm develop Android app IoT Manager (discuss there). This app can be manage any device, supported MQTT.
We needed LUA scripts examples for IoT Manager NodeMCU clients. Can you develop this LUA examples based on this examples for Arduino IDE and JS
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By TheQuestor
#41911 I just flashed a ESP07 with micropython and on connect I get the following

PORT OPEN 115200

Communication with MCU...
Got answer! AutoDetect firmware...

NodeMCU firmware detected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

is this because there is nothing "loaded" and it is just erroring on boot or what?
Did I miss something in the docs?
is there a default .py that needs to run?
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By 4refr0nt
TheQuestor wrote:I just flashed a ESP07 with micropython

micropythons commands and filesystem not supported in latest ESPlorer version, but you can use ESPlorer for sending manually entered micropython commands