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By thaleshd
#42437 Hi,

I have designed a product using the ESP8266 and now I have to put the product under tests for certification with Brazil's telecommunications authority (Anatel).

For the certification process I have to get the ESP8266 to transmit "blindly" (without connection to an access point) in each of the wifi b/g/n technologies.

I am having trouble figuring out how to get the ESP8266 to transmit continuously. I have to get it to work this way on each of the wifi technologies:

1. 802.11b - DSSS
2. 802.11g - OFDM
3. 802.11n BW 20MHz - OFDM
4. 802.11n BW 40MHz - OFDM

can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get it to work this way?

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By thaleshd
#42588 Hi,

I sent a support request through their web site last week but haven't heard from them yet.

Do you have any contact I may try to reach directly?
