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By Carl!
#42552 Output identical to before, no new information is written to serial.

It ending with the "est_main.c", doesn't that mean it's not finding the program in flash?

I have a another esp-01 showing up today that I will try and see if i get the same results as this one.
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By krzychb
#42567 Hi Carl!,

I have just erased flash in my ESP and I see exactly the same message as you do.

Code: Select all ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)


Now I am curious what will be result of checking your another esp-01.

Good luck!

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By Carl!
#42589 New unit, everything works!

I think the original unit has a bad flash chip, I found some references online where they had to desolder and swap out the flash chip due to failure.

While that was unnecessarily frustrating is caused me to learn more, so this will end up as a good thing.

Thanks for your help!