no Netgear66 found, reconnect after 1s
f 0, scandone
no Netgear66 found, reconnect after 1s
f -180, scandone
I was trying to figure out where this text could have come from. Earlier I tried and failed to upload an Arduino sketch that would automatically find and connect to my home network connection "Netgear66". That is the only plausible explanation I have for getting this output text. I have cleared the EEPROM with the EEPROMclear sketch and I still get the output. Where else could this output be coming from? Since I uploaded the original sketch I have installed many other sketches, C programs and I have also installed the Espruino firmware, but somehow this has remained on the chip. If anyone can tell me what this text is and how I can get rid of it I would be eternally grateful. Thank you all in advance.