General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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#42953 I need to combine more than 2 variables:
Code: Select alllet x = "alpha"
let y = "bravo"
let z = "charlie"

let n = x & y --> works as expected n=alphabravo
let n = x & y & z --> does not work  n = alphabravo not n=alphabravocharlie as expected
let n= x & y & "Some string" -> does not work either

How do you properly concatenate multiple variables and /or strings?

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By viscomjim
#42956 let x = "alpha"
let y = "bravo"
let z = "charlie"

n = x & y '<<< n will now be alphabravo
n = n & z '<<< n will now be alphabravocharlie

you have to keep adding to the string after the first one. I don't think you can do 3 at one time. I might be wrong with the new updates...
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#43088 Thanks, I believe you are correct. It looks like I will have to take multi-step approach. Ultimately I need to use the wget function to send some information.


So to build that string from my variables I would need to:

Code: Select all[urlVars]
let base = ""
let opt2 = "&option2="
let opt3 = "&option3="
let x = "alpha"
let y = "bravo"
let z = "charlie"

let base = base & x
let base = base & opt2
let base = base & y
let base = base & opt3
let base = base & z

As opposed to something like this:

Code: Select allwget(""&x&"&option2="&y&"&option3="&z)