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By madokapeng
#43325 Hi all.

I am using ESP8266 Arduino IDE currently.
..\arduino15\esp8266\1.6.5-947-g39819f0\cores\esp8266 contains all the header files. basically, core_esp8266_main.c calls setup() and loop().
This is using espressif native SDK API which is at ..\arduino15\esp8266\1.6.5-947-g39819f0\tools\sdk\include

This epsressif SDK is nonRTOS SDK. it is not using FreeRTOS. It means the application has a single background polling loop which is not very good. I would prefer to use FreeRTOS.

anyone has change from nonRTOS to RTOS SDK???
Please give a guide how to use FreeRTOS with ESP8266 Arduino IDE.

or it is impossible to use both FreeRTOS SDK with ESP8266 Arduino IDE.

Thanks in advance.
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By mrburnette
#43441 [url][/url]I thought RTOS was already linked into the Arduino build to perform the task switching magic.... can be forced with delay(0) or yield().
Code: Select all*
 * copyright (c) Espressif System 2010
 * mapping to ETS structures
#ifndef _OS_TYPES_H_
#define _OS_TYPES_H_

#include "ets_sys.h"

#define os_signal_t ETSSignal
#define os_param_t  ETSParam
#define os_event_t ETSEvent
#define os_task_t ETSTask
#define os_timer_t  ETSTimer
#define os_timer_func_t ETSTimerFunc


The relevant PDF on RTOS SDK
Code: Select all// Non-OS SDK: creating a new task
#define Q_NUM (10)
ETSEvent test_q[Q_NUM];
void test_task(ETSEvent *e)
 case 1:
 case 2:
 case 3:
void func_send_Sig(void)
 ETSSignal sig = 2;
void task_ini(void)
system_os_task(test_task, 2, test_q,Q_NUM);
// test_q is the corresponding array of test_task.
// (2) is the priority of test_task.
// Q_NUM is the queue length of test_task.

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By malachi
#43442 To say an RTOS is active in the Arduino build is somewhat an exaggeration, if the context task switching is used as a basis of judgement. "nonRTOS" seems like a fair assessment, which from what I understand is a layer just under the Arduino compatibility layer (as already mentioned, it amounts to the native SDK)