Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By eric6286
#43463 Ok I'm going to try this, but I think that I've already an ARM version, the below line works perfectly into terminal without any bug. It's basically the IDE generated line, with missing parameters manually added (after the : .rodata -bc -ec)

Code: Select all/home/pi/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/esptool/0.4.8/esptool -eo /home/pi/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.1.0/bootloaders/eboot/eboot.elf -bo /tmp/build03404dee50bd52e6a7e5abb98066b567.tmp/TEST_WIFI_NodeMCU_V2.ino.bin -bm dio -bf 40 -bz 4M -bs .text -bp 4096 -ec -eo /tmp/build03404dee50bd52e6a7e5abb98066b567.tmp/TEST_WIFI_NodeMCU_V2.ino.elf -bs .irom0.text -bs .text -bs .data -bs .rodata -bc -ec -cp /dev/ttyUSB0 -cb 115200 -cd nodemcu -ca 0x00000000 -cf /tmp/build03404dee50bd52e6a7e5abb98066b567.tmp/TEST_WIFI_NodeMCU_V2.ino.bin -vv

Again, many thanks for your replies and help !
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By eric6286
#43465 I've just rebuilt esptool, and always same problem.

Code: Select allgit clone --recursive
cd esptool-ck/
make clean

And copying esptool in the right location, replacing the current one :

Code: Select all/home/pi/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/esptool/0.4.8/

arduino and esptool madness ... :?
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By eric6286
#43470 Well I'm going to built my own arduino from sources. Maybe a stupid idea, but I didn't find any voodoo amulet, piece of kriptonit or strange alien artefact hidden in my Rpi case, so ... :P
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By eric6286
#43554 Hello,

I was unable to properly compile arduino IDE for RPi.

But it seems there's really odd things about the way that esptool command line is built by the toolchain. If I comment esptool related lines in platform.txt, I get always the same error :

Code: Select all#tools.esptool.cmd=esptool

#tools.esptool.upload.pattern="{path}/{cmd}" {upload.verbose} -cd {upload.resetmethod} -cb {upload.speed} -cp "{serial.port}" -ca 0x00000 -cf "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.bin"
#tools.esptool.upload.network_pattern="{network_cmd}" "{runtime.platform.path}/tools/" -i "{serial.port}" -p "{network.port}" "--auth={network.password}" -f "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.bin"



#tools.espota.upload.pattern="{cmd}" "{path}/" -i "{serial.port}" -p 8266 -f "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.bin"

It seems that esptool command line is built elsewhere in the toolchain, and platform.txt file is ignored for this task.

Actually, I can compile sketches but I've to upload them manually with esptool.

If someone experiment same kind of error, thanks by advance for your feedback.