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By alonewolfx2
haroldjclements wrote:Thank you for your reply jankop. What value resistor do you suggest?

Thanks again,
Harold Clements

i am using 2.2k but probaply more than 1k works
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By haroldjclements
#4372 Unfortunately, still not communicating. I put a 2K resistor between RST and GPIO0 (I take it that is all that is required?). I found that the WiFi transmitting stops. Again tried the terminal emulator at 115200, 57600 and 9600 baud rate. :cry:

The only thing I can think of is that the device is faulty in some way..

Thanks again, I do really appreciate all the help that you guy have provided...

PS. Will try a resistor in the 4K7 - 10K range...