Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By gerardwr
#4378 OK ,back to basics then.

I use a basic ESP-01 board, with a RED and BLUE LED on it.

When powering on:
1.- the RED led is the power led, it lights up and stays on
2. - immediately after power-on the BLUE led flashes a few times. It is connected to the serial out of the ESP. The ESP sends some data to the serial port at poweron, that's why the BLUE led flashes.
3. - if you have your terminal emulator connected correctly to the ESP the data that is sent to serial at powerup will appear in the emulator. BUT..... the data is sent at a peculiar baudrate, so the data that is shown is "jibberish". If you have a standard AT firmware delivered on the board the "jibberish" should be followed by the prompt ( a ">"").

Do you see anything of the above?
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By villTech
alonewolfx2 wrote:you cant use arduino rx tx with atmega chip. if you remove atmega on board and try again propably it will work
actually you can.

gerardwr wrote:If you have a standard AT firmware delivered on the board the "jibberish" should be followed by the prompt ( a ">"").
should it be "ready" and not ">"?

haroldjclements wrote:OK, with a 10K resistor across RST and GPIO0 I get a fast flashing blue LED
that's strange. if everything is ok, you should be able to something on your terminal now that the blue led flashed on power up.

can you check again your wiring and comm port setting.
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By haroldjclements
#4387 Thank you gerardwr / vilTech, I do appreciate your patience with me.

This is what I get when powering on (without the resistor between RST and GPIO0):

1. The RED power LED is lit and remains constant.
2. Immediately after power-on, the BLUE LED flashes a few times. At this point (power on), I am connected to a the Serial TTL (as descried in my previous posts and have used both "Terminal" by b@ray and the more basic Arduino serial viewer. I get nothing (not even "jibberish" in the terminal). I have tried with 115200, 57600 and 9600 baud rate, CR+LF selected each command, Data Bits 8, Stop Bits 1. I have also continuity tested all data connections between the ESP and TTL. I have checked the COM ports (my Arduino is COM3 and the Serial TTL is COM4) and only one has been plugged in at one time and the correct one selected.
3. I do not see any prompt ("ready" or ">") .

Whether it will make a difference or not I don't know, but I have the ESP on a breadboard using a self-made adaptor (again that I have checked for connectivity and shorts).

Again, I can't stress how grateful I am to this form for all its help.
Harold Clements