Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By TheQuestor
4refr0nt wrote:
TheQuestor wrote:I just flashed a ESP07 with micropython

micropythons commands and filesystem not supported in latest ESPlorer version, but you can use ESPlorer for sending manually entered micropython commands

That explains a lot :) Thanks. Guess I'll just flash NodeMCU to it instead.
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By Bertram Kaufmann
#42354 If you use this Tool on OSX and connect a new ESP8266 so the Programm is frozen,
after a new Start from OSX you can use it again. Something is wrong with the communication with the port.
If i use an old computer with xp, its workig well.

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By 4refr0nt
Bertram Kaufmann wrote:If you use this Tool on OSX and connect a new ESP8266 so the Programm is frozen,
after a new Start from OSX you can use it again

OSX serial ports pattern "tty.(serial|usbserial|usbmodem).*|cu.*" if you have other - make symlink.
Also, please, do not detach USB-TTL when serial port is open state in ESPlorer.
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By Gopal Banerjee
#44565 I have one d(ESP8266-EP 12) development board that worked fine with USB link and CP 2102 driver (COM6) port on my Windows 7 32 bit PC. It did communicate with NodeMCU flasher, responded to PUTTY commands in lua script to read AP IP address, blinkLED routines. It also could be programmed through ArduinoIDE (adding libraries for ESP8266 & board configurations for ESP-12) to work as Web Server.

But sadly when I tried ESPlorer IDE, on hitting the port OPEN button the Windows crashed (Blue Screen death) the port number (COM6) is being correctly sensed. I have latest version of JAVA installed.

Trying to diagnose through mini dump report
Caused by driver - Wdf01000.sys Caused by address - Wdf01000.sys+ 18d7c

The USB to Serial COM port drivers are SILABSER.SYS & Wdf01000.sys

I do not understand why these drivers are causing the crash of ESPlorer & Windows when these have worked fine with other programs mentioned above ? Similar crash happened when I tried out LuaLoader. Please help resolve the issue
Gopal Banerjee