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#44538 What am looking for is a cheap board that can read sensor and proces them wireless to a raspberry Pi with pd (using python and a webserver probably)

Before going further in to that.

I need a microcontroller that can give me following.

1 analog in for analog sensor data.
1 Digital in for digital sensor data.
GPIO for a led.
A wireless chip.
And it needs to run off a battery at least for a day.

What could you peoples suggest me?!

I've been looking at Spark/Particle/... but is little bit to much on the price heavy.
this ESP8266 microboard.

And has anybody have experience with esp to raspberry pi connection?

The data needs to be transferred to my raspberry with pd on it.
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By jeeturk
#44621 You should try the ESP-12 Amica or similar board ( ... wifi-board) . Those can run off a 5V supply which you can draw from a cellphone power bank (Power banks have great capacity and with sleep cycles enabled on ESP, your circuit should remain alive for few days. Some power banks do switch off if the current draw is low, so try with a power bank which you may have and then order something). I believe this nodemcu board has the necessary things for your project (GPIO, ADC, 802.11 b/g/n chip etc). You can flash it with nodemcu firmware and write your code to read sendor data and then send it to a raspberry pi using a TCP socket or something.
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By piersfinlayson
#44623 The WeMoS D1 mini is my favourite board at the moment. Small footprint, 5V micro USB power or think you can power directly via 3.3V pin, selection of headers, meets all your requirements. Can also get a bunch of different shields. $4 inc shipping.

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