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By urmilparikh
#44566 Hello friends,

I want to flash ESP8266 from another ESP8266 or Arduino instead of a PC. This is for mass-flashing a number of ESPs with same firmware.

Has anybody done something like it?

Or if anybody is interested, we can co-develop it.

- Urmil
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By jcea
#44626 I just registered to ask the very same thing.

I have an ESP module with 5V->3.3V regulator and a USB<->UART easily programmable from my computer (not a NODEMCU but similar), and I would like to use that component to bootstrap a bare bone ESP8266 module with no such convenient features. It is not a price issue, but size (the convenient version is 3x the size of the bare bone ESP8266) and power usage (no USB<->UART chip neither power leds).

This is something I can do even bit-banging an UART to the second ESP and implementing the flash programming protocol, but I guess that somebody else has already do this. But I am unable to find anything relevant.

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By RichardS
#44630 Maybe someone with in depth knowledge about the serial protocol for programming the ESP8266 should chat about it and where to find the exact files that outlines the protocol.... :-)
