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By cyberlacs
#44654 martinayotte friend;

My case is the same as the previous one did through the Adafruit protocol.

Now I want to learn how to make ethernet

1 NodeMCU V3 (master) sends request to another NodeMCU V3 (Slave_01) trigger digitalWrite (16, HIGH);
2 Slave_01 returns to Master;
3 Master sends request to SLAVE_02 digitalWrite (1, HIGH);
4 Slave_02 returns to Master

Transmitir e receber.jpg

I'm waiting
Thank you
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By martinayotte
#44656 So, maybe a good start point would my sandbox sketches sent a year ago, MyAPServer and MyAPClient, would fit your needs. It is simple HTTP Server example along with TelnetServer that can be called my Client. Maybe a bit outdated, but still give you ground that star with.
(Simply do search on this forum with the above sketches names.)