This time it seems to work! I fixed some minor typos in your code and that was it. The only thing I figured out was that the first measurement is usually off (the time is always to low). That's why I excluded it from the result/average calculation.
Here is the final code (without code cleanup/optimization and removal of debug statements):
local gpio, time_start, time_end, trigger, echo = gpio, 0, 0
local sample_count, timer_id
return function(trig_pin, echo_pin, sample_cnt, timer_id, report_cb)
trigger, echo = trig_pin or 7, echo_pin or 6
sample_count, timer_id = (sample_cnt+1) or 4, timer_id or 1
local total, i, result = 0, 0, {}
local function echo_cb(level)
if level == 1 and result[i] == 0 then
result[i] =
gpio.trig(echo, "down")
elseif level == 0 and result[i] < 0 then
result[i] = + result[i];
gpio.trig(echo, "none")
gpio.trig(echo, "none") -- anything else turn off interrupts and restart at next sample
print("DEBUG INT off")
local function measure()
if i > 0 then -- process last sample
if result[i] < 0 then
result[i] = 0
i = i - 1
return -- skip a beat to allow the sonar to settle down
total = total + result[i];
if i == sample_count then
for j = 1, sample_count do print(("Sample %u is %u"):format(j,result[j])) end
total = total - result[1] -- substract sample one because it is usually off...
return report_cb(total / (58*(sample_count-1)))
gpio.mode(echo, gpio.INT)
gpio.trig(echo, "up", echo_cb)
gpio.write(trigger, gpio.HIGH); tmr.delay(20); gpio.write(trigger, gpio.LOW)
i = i + 1
for j = 0, sample_count do result[j] = 0 end -- pre-allocate result array
gpio.mode(trigger, gpio.OUTPUT)
tmr.alarm(timer_id, 60, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, measure)
Again, thank you very much for your support, Terry!